June 25, 2008

Climate change discussion in Second Life

I went to a meeting in Second Life, the on-line virtual world, a couple of weeks ago.

The Greenpeace group had a guest speaker who is an expert on climate change.

Second Life is great for international meetings. You can listen to and talk to speakers. The audience can chat to each other using text while the presentation is going on without detracting from it. You can show information on screens. You can play audio and film clips.

If you are so inclined you can dress up your avitar and explore, meeting people from across the planet in the process. If so, you will see how, when given a brand new world to populate, it fills with hustlers in pursuit of money and sex. And Star Trek fans.

This was the announcement for the more elevated event:

Group Notice From: PlanetThoughts Raymaker

Peter Sinclair, one of the early Al Gore-trained presenters, will give the latest on climate change Sat. June 7 at 9am SLT, including a unique how-to on answering the skeptics -- really enlightening slides with valuable details on the science.

Since January 2007, he has made this presentation to thousands of citizens throughout Michigan. He is a life long resident of Michigan, a graduate of the University of Michigan, and a long time advocate of environmental awareness in the Great Lakes area.

Here's a screenshot of the meeting:

Amongst the chat during the initial presentation were some of the climate change deniers common arguments, which were either addressed in the talk or in subsequent discussion.

One response I found particularly interesting was the suggestion that climate change is happening throughout the solar system and it is not just on Earth temperatures are increasing. The implication is that it is changes in the sun that is responsible.

Peter Sinclair commented how on the one hand doubters of climate change question the science that suggests average temperatures on Earth are increasing, yet on the other hand seem certain that temperatures on Mars and other planets are going up.

In fact there is no evidence of increased output from the sun or of the temperatures on other planets increasing in the timescales being seen on Earth.

What we do have plenty of evidence about are the temperature changes on Earth, their relationship with carbon in the atmosphere and the fact that carbon levels are leading the temperature rises seen since the industrial revolution.

There was a whole lot more in the presentation and discussion, which I believe will appear on the associated website, which is:

From time to time there are similar events organised by Second Life SP Adopters' Group. See:

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